December 2016

Can I Go Back to Work While Collecting Benefits?

Individuals who collect SSDI benefits can continue to collect these benefits even after they have returned to work. While SSDI benefits can provide long-term income to help disabled workers recover, the benefits are not guaranteed to be permanent and the individual may need to return following a review of their disability status. Because of this, Read More

Losing Your Social Security Benefits

There are several reasons that could result in the loss of Social Security benefits. In 2015, more than 150,000 people in Cook County had successfully submitted Social Security claims Chicago. Social Security is meant to be available when it is needed. It is important to understand the potential causes that could result in the loss Read More

How Does The SSA Determine Whether Someone Is Disabled?

Disability applicants are required to pass through a five-step evaluation process that the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses to ascertain if applicants qualify as “disabled” and are entitled to disability income from the social security fund.The SSA is responsible for administering social security insurance income to people when they retire and disability benefits to people Read More